Sunday, May 6, 2007

Hi-tack -Say,Say,Say(Waiting for you)

Say Say Say (Waiting 4 U)" is the debut single by Hi_Tack, released in 2006

(I waited for
All alone
I'd stay home by the phone
I waited for you...
baby! (baby)
All alone
I'd stay home by the phone
I waited for you...
baby! (baby)

(baby, baby, baby...)

[Repeat Chorus:]

(All alone, I'd stay home by the phone...)

[Repeat Chorus:]

Through the years,
how can you stand to hear,
my pleading for you dear,
you know im cryin
hoo hoo hoo hoo hooooooo...

[Repeat Chorus:]

Through the years,
how can you stand to hear,
my pleading for you dear,
you know im cryin
hoo hoo hoo hoo hooooooo...



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